What is AIESEC Roadshow?

During times of uncertainty, a job or a career for life is no longer guaranteed or desirable. Therefore, AIESEC Roadshow is designed to give university students spaces and opportunities to explore their strengths and career potential through partnership keynotes, panel discussions and workshops. AIESEC and partner companies have the area to bring opportunities, including internship programs to support students' personal and professional growth.

AIESEC Roadshow is a 2-day-event which will be held in both Thai & English language. Every youth can join and explore job opportunities while joining knowledgeable sessions delivered by well-experienced professionals from the various work fields.

AIESEC Roadshow Organizing Committee Recruitment 2024


AIESEC Roadshow Organizing Committee Recruitment 2024 |

If you want to gain a whole new experience in organizing the biggest roadshow while engaging with like-minded youths around Thailand and several business organizations. We assure that this organizing experience will be a wow-moment for you in your youth.

If you are interested, check the booklet here!

And seize the opportunity here!

| AR 2023

| AR 2023